Lessen fat consumption in food preparation by restricting fried food intake and use a little oil when cooking.

Fat intake should not exceeding 30 percent of total calories daily and if excess, it will be forming plaque in walls of blood until cause clogged vein canal. Other way to mitigate fat intake is by provide low-fat foods and choose cholesterol low food.

Salt also need to be taken simply to avoid high blood disease, but it need to have in meal for body needs.

In the day, human only need 500 mg salt whereas according to measure a tea-spoon is equivalent to 2,100 mg salt. So, to avoid overuse, various different product may serve as alternative source such as MSG, soy sauce and sauce.

Evade from also use of salt when prepare and cooking food and evade from scatter salt when serve food.

Limit sauce usage and seasoning powder and lessen frequency serve salted egg, salted fish, pickled vegetable and processed food.

Lessen sugar usage in cooking and choose food that low sugar content. Although sugar has no nutrient, it important in supplying energy. Every individual need 50 mg per day sugar, but excessive consumption can cause obesity.

Best policy dish up low meal sugar, is by providing drinks with sugar or low fat milk separately, besides avoiding from coat cake with sugar or ising and added sugar in fruit juice.