1) Do not obsessing body weight problem until disturbing mind peace
2) Busying yourself with attractive hobby
3) Help yourself early breakfast
4) Read nutrition in nutrition label before eat food yg bought.
5) Make target weight yg realistic for achieved
6) Be reward in yourself if target achieved.
7) Be Positive by yourself
8) Doing exercise mostly such as sit-up
9) Try to change your thinking style
10) Fall 1 kg in one month regularly
like it
Great Tips, you are right.. losing weight is not easy but if you follow a few tips, you might be lucky enough to actually lose some weight :)
good news...,
Hi there, I located your blog by mistake when i was searching AOL for this subject, I must tell you your blog is definitely helpful, I also like the design, its cool!
nice blog...,
thank's for tips...
Nice Artikel...
weightlifting overload
hahahaa ...
visited back (*^-^*)
nice post about lost weight... thanks.
Your usage of the english language is goddamn awful
right now i must to do this..
nice post gan..